Adult learning and recognition of prior learning: The “white elephant” in Australian universities

Author: Tricia A Fox, Faculty of Education, Queensland University of Technology

Edition: Volume 45, Number 3, November 2005

Summary:  Adult learners are being attracted to university programs based on the granting of either academic credit or the recognition of prior learning (RPL). Typically, this attraction is being aligned to fast-tracking degree attainment or student cost effectiveness. It appears from the literature that there are varied interpretations and application of RPL within Australian universities. This can be problematic for adult learners with diverse experiences and expectations. Given the uniqueness of university learning, the future political changes to occur in Australian universities, and the problems with RPL that adult learners experience in university learning, it is timely for Australian universities to establish RPL practices that are transparent and consistent.

Keywords: RPL, university, adult learners

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